Blessed John of Vercelli (c. 1205-1283)
Feast Day: December 1
Date of Death: November 30, 1283
John Garbella, was born near Vercelli in northwest Italy in the early 13th century. Little is known of his early life. He entered the Dominican Order in the 1240s and served in various leadership capacities over the years. Elected sixth master general of the Dominicans in 1264, he served for almost two decades.

Blessed John of
Vercelli Prayer
God, our Father, You raised Blessed John of Vercelli to leadership in Your Church and made him an Apostle of the Holy Name of Jesus, Your Divine Son. We ask of you, through the intercession of Blessed John, a renewal of devotion to Your Son among ourselves and our fellow men. May all men come to know, to love and to reverence the Most Holy Name of Jesus -- “So that at Jesus’ Name every knee must bend in the heavens, on the earth and under the earth and every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD” Amen.
Beato Juan de Oración
de Vercelli
Dios, Padre nuestro, Tú elevaste al Beato Juan de Vercelli al liderazgo de Tu Iglesia y lo hiciste Apóstol del Santo Nombre de Jesús, Tu Divino Hijo. Te pedimos, por intercesión del Beato Juan, una renovación de la devoción a Tu Hijo entre nosotros y nuestros semejantes. Que todos los hombres lleguen a conocer, amar y reverenciar el Santísimo Nombre de Jesús -- “Para que ante el Nombre de Jesús toda rodilla se doble en los cielos, en la tierra y debajo de la tierra, y toda lengua proclame la gloria de Dios Padre: JESUCRISTO ES EL SEÑOR” Amén.
From the Desk of Ray Poplas
Dear Fellow Holy Name Brothers in Christ:
May the Peace of the Lord be with you and your family.
November 30, 2023, will mark the 740th anniversary of the death of Blessed John of Vercelli, founder of the Holy Name Society. His Feast Day is December 1st.
Please see the attached flyers for more information on the 44th Annual Mass. This year’s celebration will be sponsored by the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Holy Name Union (PAHNU), on Sunday, December 03, 2023, at Noon Mass, joining in the Anniversary Mass of OLHC. It is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Church and the 60th anniversary of the dedication of the Church. The Mass will be followed by a light meal in the Church Hall, which is handicapped accessible. There is ample parking in the lot at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, and/or on the adjoining streets.
This letter is being sent out to allow you to plan to attend with your brothers in the parish Holy Name Societies. We know many suspend meetings for the summer months so hopefully, you can make the commitment and plan for early December carpooling of your members. Please RSVP by October 24th, 2023, so we can get a good count to the caterer. Free will donations will be accepted, and are encouraged. In this letter is an insert for your parish bulletins, and directions. If someone will take responsibility for getting the insert in your local parish bulletin, it would be greatly appreciated.
Also enclosed are details concerning our request for Ads for our Program Book to assist in defraying the costs associated with this yearly event.
Additionally, if you use email, it would be appreciated if you could send an email to pahnu1@comcast.net with your name, address, and phone, along with your parish, to ensure we have the most current information. The individual Holy Name Presidents should list all current members to the above so that we have accurate info. Members who have passed away in the past year should be submitted so we can add them to our prayers.
REMEMBER to bring your Parish Holy Name Banners to be carried in procession at the beginning and end of the Mass along with their stands. Should you have any questions or require further information contact me at 215-815-9321 or email me at raypop2112@comcast.net
It would be wonderful if each Philadelphia Parish Archdiocese Holy Name could be in attendance for this traditional celebration.
Yours in the fellowship of Christ,
Raymond W. Poplas
Suggested Church Bulletin Insert
The 44th Annual Mass for the Canonization of Blessed John of Vercelli will be celebrated on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at Noon at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, (https://sites.google.com/site/olhcabington/home), 1500 Marian Road, Abington, PA 19001, with Rosary at 11:30 AM, followed by a light lunch. All Philadelphia Archdiocese Holy Name Society Members and their spouses are welcome. Please RSVP by October 24th, 2023 through your local Holy Name Society &/or Ray Poplas at 215-815-9321, raypop2112@comcast.net, Chairperson for the 44th.
Directions and details on this celebration are on the PAHNU website, https://pahnu1.weebly.com/.
Directions from PA Turnpike exit 343, PA-611 Exit toward Doylestown/Jenkintown. Take the PA-611S ramp toward Willow Grove/Abington and follow approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left onto Old Welsh Road and proceed for 0.6 miles. Turn right on Marian Road go 0.3 miles. Church parking is on your right.
Directions from Center City, Philadelphia: take the Vine Street Expressway to I-95 North toward Trenton for 10.1 miles to Exit 32 Academy Road. Follow Academy Road approximately 1.5 miles to Grant Ave. Turn left onto Grant Ave. and go for 2.5 miles then continue on Welsh Road for another 2.4 miles turning right on Huntingdon Pike/PA-232. Go to the second light and turn left onto Welsh Road (PA-63). Continue on PA-63 for approximately 2.5 miles to Marian Road, turn left, and proceed 0.3 miles. The church and parking lot are on your right.
Directions from Center City, Philadelphia: Take Broad Street/ PA-611 North approximately 12.2 miles, and turn right onto London Road. At the STOP sign turn left onto Davidson Road, then right onto Marian Road. The church is on the left. The parking lot is past the church.

To help defray the costs and aid in celebrating the
44th Annual Mass for the Canonization of Blessed John
on December 3rd, we will be providing a Program Book.
Ads are available as follows & please submit by October 24th
Ad Size Amount
Inside Cover $225.00
Back Cover $250.00
Inside Back Cover $225.00
Full Page $100.00
Half Page $ 60.00
Quarter Page $ 30.00
Individual $ 10.00
Ads are open to all Holy Name Societies, parishes, individuals, families, friends, and businesses!
Please email Bill McLaughlin
(william.mclaughlin@stevenslee.com) or call him (1 215 385 1335)
to arrange your ad. All ads must be submitted by October 24, 2023.
Please make checks payable to PAHNU and mail to:
Bill McLaughlin
1953 Canterbury Road
Abington, PA 19001