of the
National Holy Name Society
Support Service Duty Responsibility
Standing Committees
Standing Committees are those Committees of the National Association of the Holy Name Society (National Association, National Holy Name Society, NAHNS, the Society) defined within the Constitution of the Society. As such, they are deemed necessary for the basic operation and governance of the Society. Since they are defined in the Constitution and ByLaws, they can only be modified or removed by a corresponding amendment to the Constitution and/or ByLaws.
Blessed John of Vercelli

The Blessed John of Vercelli Committee coordinates all activities of the Blessed John of Vercelli Cause for Canonization within the Holy Name Society. The Committee serves as a liaison between the NAHNS and (Arch)diocesan Associations, Parish Societies, and Society members regarding Blessed John activities. The Committee encourages each (Arch)diocesan Union to appoint a local chair of the Cause for Canonization so as to facilitate the work of this Committee. The Committee coordinates requests for the availability of Blessed John medals, prayer cards, relic cards, and other religious goods.
Chairperson Carroll Pupa
Coordinator of Favors David Reichert
Vice Postulator Fr Augustine Hilander, O.P.
Constitution & ByLaws

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee provides guidance to the NAHNS by reviewing the Constitution and ByLaws of the Society from time to time. The Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Board and Voting Membership of possible changes to the Constitution or ByLaws for improved clarity, compliance, and operational effectiveness. The Committee also reviews all proposed amendments submitted by Voting Members.
Chairperson John Bradley
Executive Advisory

The Executive Advisory Committee is made up of all Past Presidents of the NAHNS. The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board of the NAHNS on matters recommended by the Executive Board. The Immediate Past President is the Chair of this Committee and serves as a voting member of the NAHNS Executive Board.
Chairperson Stanley Baran
Financial Advisory

The Financial Advisory Committee works to enforce the financial guidelines set forth and approved by the Executive Board. An annual review of the financial records of the Society is conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting and financial guidelines. Additionally, the Committee explores and creates new avenues of fund raising and establish the guidelines and reporting format of financial reporting for the Association. The Committee periodically reviews the dues structure of this Association and makes recommendations as to changes therein to the Executive Board
Chairperson Randy Duva
Marketing Communications

The Marketing Communications Committee develops and communicates the marketing messages of the NAHNS using appropriate social and traditional media methods. The Committee maintains an Official Archive of the Association. The Committee also creates and disseminates official press releases of the NAHNS.
Chairperson Karen Kubulak
Regional Vice President

The Regional Vice President Committee monitors all activities, successes, needs, and initiatives of the Regional Vice Presidents. The Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Board as needed regarding items, initiative and changes that would enhance the effectiveness of Regional Vice Presidents. The Chairperson of this Committee is elected by the Regional Vice Presidents. The Chairperson is a voting member of the Executive Board.
Chairperson Joseph Moynihan
Religious & Spiritual Renewal

The Religious and Spiritual Renewal Committee works to promote proper spiritual formation of Holy Name Society members through Catholic religious education, prayer, and worship. This happens through a combination of the following efforts. The Committee encourages and provides resources for (Arch)Diocesan Unions and parish Holy Name Societies to sponsor Prayer Vigils, Memorial Masses, Retreats, Day of Recollection and other devotions. The Committee develops, publishes, and promotes prayer cards and other devotional materials that promote personal and public devotion to the Most Holy Names of God and Jesus. These items are made available to members, potential members, and the Catholic public through the NAHNS Supply Store. The Committee develops resource materials that guide (Arch)Diocesan Unions and Parish Holy Name Societies to sponsor and promote Eucharistic Adoration, Benedictions, prayer cenacles and other forms of individual and public worship. The Committee provides education and information to help Spiritual Moderators of (Arch)diocesan Unions and Parish Holy Name Societies help their members grow in holiness.
Chairperson Fr Paul Sabo
Special Committees
The Special Committees are established to carry out specific activities or apostolates of the NAHNS. Special Committees enable the Holy Name Society to address changing needs, priorities, and initiatives within the Church, Holy Name members, and society. A majority vote of the Executive Board Officers is required to establish or abolish a Special Committee.

The Convention Committee works with the host (Arch)diocesan Union to plan, promote, and conduct the Annual Convention. The Committee also prepares a long-range Convention plan for the Society taking into account geographies (new vs. repeat), business needs vs. pleasure, and convention sponsorship (union sponsored or NAHNS sponsored).
Chairperson John Shea
Hispanic Outreach

The Hispanic Outreach Committee works to promote Holy Name membership amongst Spanish speaking Catholics. The Committee also oversees the translation of selected NAHNS materials from English to Spanish.
Chairperson (OPEN)
If interested in serving on this Committee, please contact Stan Baran at 1 847 894 3101 or
Life Family Marriage Youth

The Life Marriage Family Youth (LMFY) Committee assists Holy Name Society members implement the U.S. Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Plan for rebuilding a Catholic Culture in accord with a consistent ethic of life. This encompasses the belief that all life is sacred from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. The Committee also works to protect the sanctity of the Sacrament of Marriage, promote Catholic Social teaching, and promote activities for the proper formation of Catholic Youth and Young Adults.
Chairperson (OPEN)
If interested in serving on this Committee, please contact Stan Baran at 1 847 894 3101 or
Prison Apostolate

The Prison Apostolate Committee assists Holy Name members and Societies reach out to, pray with, and conduct spiritual programs for people housed within correctional institutions. The Committee works to increase awareness within the Holy Name Society of federal, state, county and local institutional programs devoted to prison ministry and methods to interact with them. The Committee develop and publishes booklets, prayer services, etc. for use by Holy Name Societies and members. The Committee also provides general information and assistance to Holy Name members on working with the prison chaplains.
Chairperson Joe Lapointe

The Resolutions Committee serves as a focal point for all resolutions especially in conjunction with the Annual Convention. The Committee receives resolutions from members in advance of the Convention. The Committee notifies the Executive Board and the Constitution and ByLaws Committee of all pending resolutions. The Committee Chairperson presents actionable resolutions for vote to the voting members of the Society.
Chairperson John Shea
Supply Store

The Supply Store Committee assists the Supply Store Director by providing input, guidance, and oversite for all supply store activities. This includes reviewing the financial aspects of the store, the store’s overall effectiveness, and opportunities for improvement to the supply store.
Chairperson Ed Barkhouse